A community of loving Christians.
Your tithe & offering is greatly appreciated and goes towards everyday expenses for our church to run smoothly.
Check out this great message.
Our food pantry is running the 4th Wednesday of every month from 4pm-6pm. We are blessed to be able to serve the Buck Township and Bear Creek areas.
If you would like to donate to the pantry we are always in need of the following items:
Beaumont Free Methodist Community Church is a church devoted to loving God, and people, teaching them to obey all that Jesus Commands.
You can become a part of the community!
It's simple, just come to our church.
We believe Jesus Christ is for ALL people.
You are welcome here no matter who you are.
Sundays - Lead by Pastor Joe Gandia
Do you have gifts or talents you would love to contribute to the Body of Christ by using them in Beaumont FMC?
If so contact Pastor Joe Gandia.
You can join us in our mission to reach, teach, and preach the Good News of Jesus Christ!
This is our new location! HALLELUJAH
Your Contributions are supporting God's Vision for the Pennsylvania Poconos area!
Beaumont FMC new church building is now complete. we are now open to serve our community and family's here in Buck Township, and Bear Creek areas PA (In the Poconos)!
We need behind the scenes help, hands on people be sure to contact Pastor Joe Gandia about your desire to help the body of Christ grow. Any and all support is grateful and goes a long way.
We wholeheartedly believe God has made this new church building a reality. The real question is... Do you want to be a part of something God is doing? This is truly amazing and life changing?
Copyright © 2020 Beaumont FMC - All Rights Reserved.
Part of the Free Methodist DENOMINATION.